European Social Economy Summit

European Social Economy Summit
Business Collaboration Sustainability
Call for proposals - European Social Economy Summit 2020, Mannheim, Germany

The European Social Economy Summit will bring together public and private stakeholders, civil society representatives and scholars to discuss the future and network. Also to inform, and increase the visibility of social economy and social enterprises policies, to exchange good practices and success stories and support peer learning.

The programme of the European Social Economy Summit will be co-created by the City of Mannheim, the European Commission and the participating.

There will be three thematic angles to frame the programme of the Summit:

Collaboration: Addressing today’s most pressing challenges requires developing the capacity to lead collaboratively and to effectively work across sectors and countries.

Innovation: Social innovation is the process of developing and deploying effective new solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues in support of social progress.

Digitalisation: Digitalisation in the Social Economy is already having a substantial impact on social and economic prospects worldwide.

Call for proposals to lead sessions

The Summit is an opportunity to get all stakeholders active in the social economy together. The application is open for proposals until 27th March 2020 to lead stakeholder sessions at the conference which is an excellent opportunity to engage with a diverse audience representing the large variety of actors active in this field all over Europe.

All sessions should illustrate how the social economy can best contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, they should show on how social economy can help implement the political priorities of the new Commission over the next five years (e.g. the European Green Deal, an economy that works for people, a Europe fit for the digital age and a new push for European democracy), and more specifically, feed the preparation of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Social Economy announced for 2021.