Global Festival of Action

Global Festival of Action
Collaboration Sustainability Circular Economy
Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor
Global Festival of Action - Transforming local action into global impact - Bonn, Germany

The SDG Global Festival of Action is a ground-breaking event designed by and for the international SDG action community and powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign with the support of the German Federal Government and partners to bring together SDGs activists, artists, innovators and leaders from the different sectors to connect and find new ways to inspire individuals and organizations to take action for people and the planet.

Five years into the agenda, 2020 will be a key critical for accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. 2020 is also the kick start of the Decade of Action announced by the UN Secretary-General and marks the UN’s 75th anniversary.

The 2020 Festival will feature a range of session, workshop and meeting formats each positioned to further understanding and awareness, build practical skills and networks and be inspired by SDG Leaders.

The Festival also nurtures the growing SDG Action Community by making available a global platform to launch new campaigns, host network meetings and scout new initiatives and changemakers working towards the achievements of the Goals.

This flagship annual event brings together leaders from governments, local authorities, international organizations, civil society, media, foundations, youth, the creative sector and the private sector who are transforming their areas and driving change towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Meet great change-makers to put SDGs into action!


The event is hosted by the UN SDG Action Campaign to convene people from every part of the world to push for the SDGs—and hold decision-makers to account for progress. It mobilizes individuals and organizations to join the global movement for the SDGs. It inspires them to dream up new ideas and take bold actions. And it connects people to the corridors of decision-making where they can influence the plans, policies, investments and political commitments that will keep the promises made.

Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor