Ocean Action Conference

Ocean Action Conference
Collaboration Sustainability
Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor
Our future depends on the protection and restoration of our seas and ocean. The Ocean Action! conference will bring together a wide variety of key players to chart a new route for our blue future.

OCEAN ACTION! is an all-day event hosted by Seas At Risk, the European association of 32 marine NGOs spanning 17 countries.

Here you can meet with activists, researchers, policy-makers, artists all working on issues related to our oceans and seas.

Alongside speakers, artists and visionaries have been invited to give their perspective of our ocean. Live art and demonstrations will be going on throughout the day, giving you the chance to interact and feel the ocean in a different way.

Our future depends on the protection and restoration of our seas and ocean. A healthy ocean is our best ally in the fight against the climate crisis. Yet, despite long-term political and legal commitments to protect and restore our marine environment, we are still not doing what needs to be done.

So what needs to change for seas and ocean to get better? This is the question that Ocean Action! will aim to answer.

Ocean Action! will bring togetherkey players to call on the EU for action on its commitment to protect and restore our seas and ocean. We will discuss the cost of inaction and chart a new route out of the crisis.

Join us: we need all hands on deck!

Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor