'Social Economy Mission'

'Social Economy Mission'
Call for proposals: Social Economy Mission - COSME, EU

The general objective of this call for proposals is to follow-up on a successful European Social Economy Regions 2018 (ESER) pilot that established a basis for creation of effective networks of social economy stakeholders at regional level across Europe and to boost inter-regional collaboration in the field of social economy.

The project is aiming at engaging a network of regional and local authorities established in the EU and COSME participating countries, and stakeholders with similar social economy priorities and creating space for inter-regional learning and collaboration. Enhanced inter-regional cooperation in the field of social economy will contribute significantly to a gradual building of a social economy community of practice as an integral part of a sustainable European economic model. The specific objectives to be achieved through this call for proposals are the following:

Enhancing interaction and improving collaboration between existing social economy networks and stakeholders at a regional and local level in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions”

Boosting inter-regional learning between social economy stakeholders (public and private sector) in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions”

Contributing to the gradual building of a Social Economy community.

The deadline for electronic submission is 9 June 2020, 17:00 hours (Brussels time).

More details about the eligibility criteria and application are on the EU Commission website - COS-SEM-2020-4-01: Social economy missions >>