Virtual Youth Summit for Global Changemakers

Virtual Youth Summit for Global Changemakers
Sustainability Collaboration
Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor
Virtual Youth Summit for Global Changemakers - 24-28 April

You can still register to the Youth Summit 2020 which takes place online 24-28 April 2020 with up to 3000 young changemakers joining in globally.

The summit we will be celebrating and connecting changemakers from around the world who share a passion to create a better future. Participants will attend webinars and Q&A sessions with expert guests as well as facilitated networking sessions with other young changemakers online over five days.

The 2020 theme will be 'A Decade for Action: The Role of Young People in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals' and all sessions will be impact focused and youth-centered.

Over the course of the summit, participants will hear from and have the chance to engage with over 30 experienced changemakers from over 25 countries and working on all 17 SDGs, from youth-led NGOs to the private sector to media to the United Nations.

They will also have the opportunity to meet with other participants each day through networking sessions and join our Global Changemakers community Facebook group to keep the interaction going after the virtual event. Participants will receive a certificate for each of the main sessions that they attend at the summit. All donations raised through registration will go towards supporting youth to create positive change in their communities.

Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor