Business guide to address the Ukraine humanitarian crisis
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has launched a Business Guide document as part of their humanitarian response to the military offensive in Ukraine.
The OCHA Business Guide refers to the need for immediate action, stating that “the intense military escalation has resulted in loss of life, injuries and mass movement of the civilian population throughout Ukraine and to neighbouring countries, as well as severe destruction and damage to civilian infrastructure and residential housing”.

OCHA appeals to corporates and enterprises to join forces with their humanitarian projects to provide financial support and assistance for the most vulnerable people in regions affected by the war.
One of the five highlighted actions is joining the Ukraine Flash Appeal that runs for a duration of three months, from March to May 2022.
The goal is to raise US$1.1 billion that would be required to help more than 6 million people impacted by the drastic Russian Federation military attacks started on 24 February 2022.
Other options to express support included in the brief are making financial and in-kind contribution, advocating and making a commercial offer.
The organisation asks that financial contributions be made through the UN Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF).
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates humanitarian action to ensure that crisis-affected people receive assistance and protection.
Headline image: Annie Spratt on Unsplash