November 2024
Carbon Emission
As regions in East Africa experience some of the worst effects of climate change, we partner with rural communities in Ethiopia and Eritrea to create...
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The Climate Bet campaign was initiated by the association "3 fürs Klima", which motivates and supports people to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement target’s on...
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Achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050 becomes a legal obligation to all member states
Newly adopted European climate law is entering into force, ensuring climate neutrality in the EU in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
July 2021

German climate activist cycles 6,000 km to reduce carbon emission and mobilise people
Summer cycling tour will be visiting 200 cities in Germany over 100 days to save tonnes of carbon emission.
June 2021

Petition to end corporate greenwashing calls leaders to take action
The Europe-wide ‘Make 2021 Count’ campaign aims to end corporate greenwashing and boost carbon accountability.
April 2021

Carbon emission reporting becomes mandatory in Ireland for green food industry players
‘Pathways to Net Zero’ program makes carbon emissions reporting mandatory for Origin Green members
March 2021