100 Intelligent Cities Challenge

100 Intelligent Cities Challenge
Collaboration Smart city Sustainability
This European Commission's initiative facilitate change to build a green Europe by fostering smart and sustainable growth.
Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is the latest of the European Commission’s initiatives to build a green Europe by fostering smart and sustainable growth across European cities.

The programme will help 100 smaller and medium-sized EU cities to support green, climate-neutral, sustainable growth, tackle the most significant urban challenges and improve the quality of life. The main focus is on implementation of strategies, a common platform for open data, a marketplace for intelligent city solutions, joint investments, new support mechanisms and a new international dimension.

Participating cities will receive tailored support – in person, online, and as a community - to implement their transformation strategies, including regular network support activities, trainings, access to online toolboxes and mentoring from innovative mentor cities.

Given the difficult situation currently faced by European countries with the spread of COVID-19, the deadline for the submission for Expressions of Interest has been extended to the 29th of May 2020.

Accordingly, the deadline for the pre-screening of applications is extended to the 18th of May 2020.

You can join the 'Application Tips and Advice' webinar on 5th of May 2020, 2:00 PM (CET) and find more information about the Intelligent Cities Challenge on programme website.

A broad set of city-related themes are targeted by the Intelligent Cities Challenge, including mobility, renewable energies, clean industry, green manufacturing, eGovernment, open data, skills and employment, healthcare and safety, re-skilling, crisis management among others.

Cities will be asked to mobilise the top-level leadership in the city, attend conferences and workshops, work to form a standing local intelligent city ecosystem and dedicate human resources from the city and local ecosystem for the execution of this high-priority initiative.

As a result, cities could benefit from various supports, including joint investments which will lead to measurable developments with positive impacts that matter to the citizens.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge is part of a wider EU support contributing to a European Green Deal, an economy that works for people and a Europe fit for the Digital Age.

Image: Intelligent Cities Challenge

Szilvia Szabó

Szilvia Szabó Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor