Cities to stand together in solidarity for Ukraine

Cities to stand together in solidarity for Ukraine
March 2022
Collaboration Smart city
Cities across Europe are called to organise gatherings in front of city halls to unite people in sharing moments of solidarity for Ukraine.
Business Spirit News reporting

Business Spirit News reporting Author

Eurocities, a network of larger European cities with over 200 members representing 38 countries and its people, is launching an initiative that invites cities to share a moment of solidarity on Saturday, 12 March.

Organisers are calling on cities to organise small or big gatherings in front of city halls across Europe on that day to express their support to those suffering due to the Russian military offensive targeting Ukraine.

President of Eurocities and Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, appeals to all mayors and cities to ‘link arms, or share a moment in front of or around our city halls.’

Addressing Eurocities members, Nardella added:

“City diplomacy breaks borders. Through networks like Eurocities, and through our city twinnings, we have built strong relationships. We know and trust each other. We have respect. When we offer solidarity, it is genuine and heartfelt.”

The cities of Bologna, Braga, Florence, Milan, Marseille, Nice, Rotterdam, as well as Rome have already answered the call and joined the movement.

One of the frontrunners to express solidarity is Dublin city. They are putting up lamppost banners and using digital panels across the city in the colour of blue and yellow of the Ukraine national flag as part of their preparation for the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Festival on 17 March.

To unify the voices of European cities, the ‘shared moment of solidarity for Ukraine’ campaign asks everyone participating or wanting to join in any format to share their pictures on social media channels using the #CitiesWithUkraine hashtag.

“We can do this at the time that works best for each of us on Saturday 12 March, and I ask you to share your images on social media,”

says Nardella.

Digital panels across Dublin city expressing solidarity for Ukraine; Image: Mary Mac Sweeney

Both cities and people are invited to join regardless of whether or not the city is a Eurocities member and encouraged to use visuals provided by organisers on their website.

To boost the impact of each action, Eurocities will collect and share all city actions from their network in the week of 14 March.


Headline image: Simone Hutsch on Unsplash

Business Spirit News reporting

Business Spirit News reporting Author