How to get your impact story featured in media?
Annual plans and New Year`s resolutions are probably behind you by now, but that shouldn`t hold you from exploring some untapped potential in boosting your impact.
Why not make 2023 the year when you get your stories in the spotlight to raise awareness and engage with your audience?
Writing a press release that catches attention, having a practical media toolkit that helps you spread news or delivering an engaging interview could give your message an extra boost, helping you to achieve your goals.
Why social innovators are not covered more in media?
The answer might be plainer than you`d expect.
Besides handling the everyday challenges and neverending to-do lists, one of the most typical reasons is the lack of confidence and knowledge of using media relations and tools correctly.
In addition, nervousness naturally kicks in when it comes to public speaking, giving an interview or even writing content.
However, with some learning and practising, you could make the leap and use the power of communication to advance your agenda.
Learning opportunities to boost your message
Using media communication tools can give you a headstart in raising your profile, reaching and activating a wider audience while increasing your impact.
Here are a couple of simple steps you can take:
- Do media training for impact innovators, where you learn how to handle situations like speaking at a podcast, giving an interview, engaging with media at events or making the most out of press releases. Getting the hang of media communication is like learning ice skating - you start out a bit wobbly, but after practising, you start gliding and smiling.

- Change your approach to writing and publishing your impact report, as it has so much communication potential that you don't want to miss it. Haven`t you published one yet? Maybe the time has come to start advancing your agenda by start sharing your impact in a professional manner.
- Make it easy to find and use information about your work, campaign, or else about your mission. It might sound very basic, but in reality, this is the most typically missed step to unlock potential in media communication. The best way to do that is to prepare and start actively using a professional media toolkit.
It is easier than you might think to utilise opportunities in PR and other forms of media communication, including public appearances, which can be nerve-wracking.
There are various learning options, such as attending programs and sessions held by the Impact Writing Institute, where you can harvest the benefits of working with expert trainers whether you are joining as an individual or have tailor-made training at your organisation.
This is not about you getting famous but shining a light on issues that need to be addressed and enabling people to get involved.
What really matters is to get confident about speaking up and be ready to share your story in a way that engages and mobilises your audience.
Giving yourself a chance to learn and expand your horizon using media communication should definitely be on your radar for boosting your impact in 2023 and beyond.