Profit with Purpose magazine launch

Profit with Purpose magazine launch
Business Collaboration Research Sustainability
Promoting Responsible Innovation and value-driven business practices to 'help build back better' from the Covid19 pandemic.

The 'Profit with Purpose' print magazine aims to inspire innovators from business, research and policy to 'build back better' after the Covid19 pandemic adapting Responsible Innovation and sustainable business practices. It features overviews of recent trends, research projects, business practices, and inspiring stories about leaders. The first edition was launched on International Day for Biological Diversity, 22nd May.

The Covid19 pandemic has shown how much we rely on global communities, nature and innovation. This situation offers a unique opportunity to implement new business practices and inspire innovations that lead to a more resilient and sustainable economy.

Illustration: Getty Image

“The world is facing an unprecedented test. And this is the moment of truth. We must respond decisively, innovatively and together to suppress the spread of the virus and address the socio-economic devastation that COVID-19 is causing in all regions. Finally, when we get past this crisis – which we will – we will face a choice. We can go back to the world as it was before or deal decisively with those issues that make us all unnecessarily vulnerable to crises. Our roadmap is the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy.” said António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations at the launch of the report on socio-economic impacts of coronavirus.

The Profit with Purpose magazine was created with the support of Dublin City Council in collaboration with the Business SPIRIT Platform, Responsible Innovation Summit and a group of acknowledged experts from business and academia, including Ali Sheridan director of Sustainability Works; Dr. Roisin Lyonns, assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, Dublin City University; Zoe Hertelendi, CEO of EdamameEco. (See the list of contributors at the end of the page.)

Dublin is working to restore its economy and to strengthen its capacity as an innovative, resilient city where people can thrive. They are actively collaborating with entrepreneurs who want to adapt and future-proof their business models.

"I believe raising awareness of what these changes will mean for each individual business is essential. It is clear by now that the European Green Deal introduced in 2019 by the European Commission will play a critical role in the process of recovery. This is Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth which aims to transform our cities to become cornerstones in building a climate-neutral economy by 2050 in Europe.” says Mary Mac Sweeney, Deputy Head of Enterprise and Economic Development, Dublin City Council.

Mary Mac Sweeney, Deputy Head of Enterprise and Economic Development, Dublin City Council

She adds that Dublin City plans to create several opportunities, such as events or training, where companies can learn from experts and from each other about what they could be doing to respond to global and local changes. The new Dublin City Council Corporate Plan shares the mission of making Dublin the ‘best place in which to be, to live, to work, to do business and to enjoy’ and for the first time, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are incorporated into this plan.

The Profit with Purpose magazine will be published biannually covering Irish and international news, and readers can access it free of charge. Besides the print format, the Business Spirit Platform offers an open access online platform for innovators to learn and connect.

Profit with Purpose magazine

“We want to generate positive change by using the power of communication and empower cross-sectorial knowledge sharing," says Szilvia Szabó, managing editor of the Profit with Purpose magazine.

The magazine provides ‘easy-to-digest’ content related to value-driven business, responsible research and innovation, sustainable finance, circular economy, climate change, sustainable development and everything in the intersection of People, Planet, and Profit.

The first edition is focusing on topics like Responsible Investments, what Sustainable Development Goals could mean for a business, interviews with entrepreneurs who successfully embedded sustainability and ethics into their business strategy, like Java Republic, Wild by Water, The Ethical Silk Company, The Upcycle Movement and more.

“The power to change the world is in the hands of every innovator, but we need to cross-pollinate ideas, raise awareness and make news more actionable in order to deliver a just transition to a sustainable economy,” explains Szilvia as her motivation to start this new magazine.

The editorial team welcomes contributions from writers, researchers, agencies, business leaders and innovators who want to share their work and expertise to inspire value-driven change. You can easily apply online to become a contributor and join the community.

Szilvia Szabó, managing editor, Profit with Purpose magazine

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Full list of contributors:

First edition - Profit with Purpose magazine

Ali Sheridan director of Sustainability Works; Dr. Roisin Lyonns, assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, Dublin City University; Zoe Hertelendi, CEO of EdamameEco; Theodor Cojoianu, postdoctoral research fellow, University College Dublin; Faye-Walsh Drouillard, impact investor and founder of WakeUp Capital; Deirdre Garvey, CEO of The Wheel; Leslie Maleipaard co-founder of Planet Calls; Tim Graham, Stakeholder Engagement and Marketing Manager, Dublin Place Brand; Laura Costello marketing strategist at THINKHOUSE; Dr. Joanne Rourke, Resource Efficiency Officer int he Eastern-Midlands Waste Regional Office, Ireland; Giulia Bubbolini, COO, Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna, Italy; Jessica Huntingford, Head if European projects at Resolvo; Karen Coughlan, EU project officer at Southern Regional Assembly;