Water ChangeMaker Awards

Water ChangeMaker Awards
April 2020
We need smart decisions on how we use and safeguard our water and how we protect ourselves from water-related hazards.
Szilvia SzabĂł

Szilvia Szabó ⬤ Author

Journalist, Editor
Journalist, Editor

This award aims to make visible the teams and organizations who shape water decisions that build climate resilience. They will collect the journeys of change-makers who work impacts water because, at times like these, learning from and celebrating those who have made things happen is more important than ever.

“We are very proud to be partners in the Water ChangeMaker Awards, because climate resilience is absolutely urgent and fundamental to utilities, sustainability and the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals. We believe very strongly that peers and peer professionals can inspire and empower and change like nothing else.”, says Julie Perkins is Officer in Charge of the Secretariat at UN-Habitat's Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA)

You can submit your ChangeMaker journey until 7 June 2020.

ChangeMaker initiatives should be about decisions involving water that have contributed to building resilience to climate change. The application is open for all organisations, entities, and individuals associated with the public, private, and non-profit sector organisations.

Initiatives can be from anywhere in the world, they must be either ongoing or concluded within the last five years.

    The international independent expert jury, including leaders in water management and climate resilience, will be looking for:

    • Climate Resilience built through Water Decisions
    • Depth of Learning
    • Magnitude & Longevity of Change
    • Breadth of Collaboration

    The Global Water Partnership’s Technical Committee will engage with Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winners in publishing an analysis of the ChangeMaker Journeys – to be launched in March 2021.

    The Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) is an international network created to support water operators through Water Operator’s Partnerships (WOPs), peer support exchanges between two or more water operators, on a not-for-profit basis, with the objective of strengthening their capacity, enhancing their performance and enabling them to provide a better service to more people.

    Szilvia SzabĂł

    Szilvia Szabó ⬤ Author

    Journalist, Editor
    Journalist, Editor