November 2024
Climate Change

Why do ambitious changemakers upskill in Climate Entrepreneurship?
Choosing a trailblazer postgraduate course focusing on climate action is becoming a top choice for innovators wanting to make a positive impact in Ireland.
August 2022

What makes changing the world so difficult?
Despite having the evidence and realising the need for change to address the grand societal challenges of our time, it is still not happening at the pace and scale you would expect. But why?
June 2022

Short film to amplify the voices of women in climate negotiations
Campaign organisation âSHE Changes Climateâ has released a video highlighting the need for gender-balanced climate negotiations to mark International Womenâs Day.
March 2022

Where are the women from the COP26 climate conference?
The SHE Changes Climate activist campaign calls for 50:50 gender balance in all climate decision making, highlighting that only 16% of the COP26 UK Leadership team are women.
November 2021

âListen up, people!â â says the dinosaur to save humanity from extinction while delivering climate message
The UN's new short film features a dinosaur with global celebrities urging world leaders to take climate action.
October 2021

World Water Week calls for massive transformation to address pressing global water issues
âBuilding Resilience Fasterâ is the central theme of the leading annual conference on global water issues.
August 2021

How can carbon offsetting fix climate and communities at one go?
Creating 'climate smart communities' while cutting back on carbon emissions proved a viable model to tackle the climate crisis.
August 2021

EU Green Deal climate package set out to fundamentally change lives and businesses until 2030
Making Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent is the primary goal of the recently introduced EU Commission proposal package.
July 2021

Achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050 becomes a legal obligation to all member states
Newly adopted European climate law is entering into force, ensuring climate neutrality in the EU in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
July 2021

German climate activist cycles 6,000 km to reduce carbon emission and mobilise people
Summer cycling tour will be visiting 200 cities in Germany over 100 days to save tonnes of carbon emission.
June 2021

Petition to end corporate greenwashing calls leaders to take action
The Europe-wide âMake 2021 Countâ campaign aims to end corporate greenwashing and boost carbon accountability.
April 2021

A Circular Economy could prevent climate breakdown but needs speeding up
The Circularity Gap Report 2021 offers not only a sober warning of the danger of climate inaction but a clear map forward
January 2021

Green pandemic recovery requires better finance of adaptation plans
The Adaptation Gap Report urges all nations to pursue the efforts for green pandemic recovery
January 2021

First Climate Entrepreneurship postgraduate course in Ireland is launched
An opportunity for innovators to upskill, reskill, or pivot ideas to tackle climate change and gain market advantage
January 2021

Opportunities in creating a new business as usual
How best can we use the power of innovation and collaboration to create a better economy?
December 2020

Building the future of Dublin on resilience and innovation
What's next for Dublin City to maintain its position as an internationally recognised innovation hub after the COVID pandemic?
June 2020

Earth School is available online for free
Unprecedented coalition to help students gain an understanding of the environment while considering their role within it.
April 2020

Water ChangeMaker Awards
We need smart decisions on how we use and safeguard our water and how we protect ourselves from water-related hazards.
April 2020